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Create Categories, Elements & Fields Manually
Create Categories, Elements & Fields Manually

How to create Categories, Elements, and Fields manually in Layer

Silvia Lee avatar
Written by Silvia Lee
Updated over a week ago


Learn how to add data to your Project with our unique organizing hierarchy of Categories, Elements, and Fields.

2. Start a new Project or select an existing one.

3. To add a new Category, click on the ➕ button next to Categories.

Categories are at the top level of the data hierarchy. They can represent tangible items like Doors, Windows, Rooms and Furniture, and also intangible items such as Punchlists, Surveys and Work Orders.

Create a Category from Scratch

4. Add Elements to your Category.

Your elements will be named after your Category by default and will be given an incremental unique identifier.

(Tip: The identifier is an ascending number, unique to every Element within a Category that is created throughout the history of the Project. This number can not be altered.)

Add a New Element

5. Add Fields to your Element.

Fields are containers of information that are shared amongst all of the Elements in a Category.

Add a Field

(Tip: When you have at least two fields created for an Element, you can re-arrange their order. Click on the six dot icon and drag a Field to its new position.)

Re-arrange the Order of Fields

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