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Pre-Built Templates in Document View
Pre-Built Templates in Document View

Get documents up and running fast with completely editable, pre-built document templates

Silvia Lee avatar
Written by Silvia Lee
Updated over a week ago

Layer's Document View tool is an easy way to create any kind of document from your existing project data and/or Revit data. We've designed a few pre-built templates for typical design phase documents to get documents up and running fast.

1. Log into Layer:

2. Things to do before setting up Document View:

Navigate to a Layer Project and make sure that has at least one Category with fields and inputted data.

3. Create a Document View:

Within the Category, navigate to the top of the elements window and click Select View, then click +Create New View.

Step 3 Create a Document View-1

Within the Create New View window, name the document, then click Document view type, and then Create View.

Step 3 Create a Document View-2

4. Set up the Document View:

Within the Setup Your Document window, choose one of Layer's pre-built Document Templates.

Document Template-00-Setup Your Document

5. Configure template fields:

Map element fields in this Category to the pre-built template fields, then click Create Document+. Documents created from pre-built templates are completely editable and can themselves be saved as personal or team templates.

Template: Simple Spec Sheet

Document Template-01-Simple Spec Sheet

Template: Room Data Sheet

Document Template-02-Room Data Sheet-1

Template: Product Presentation

Document Template-03-Product Presentation

Template: Meeting Minutes

Document Template-04-Meeting Minutes

Template: Field Report

Document Template-05-Field Report


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