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Create a Template from your Project
Create a Template from your Project

Learn how to create a Template from an existing Layer Project

Brendan Owens avatar
Written by Brendan Owens
Updated over a week ago

2. Open any project that you want to make a template out of.

(Tip: You need to be the owner of the project in order to create a template.)

3. In the project settings menu โš™๏ธ click Create Template from Project.

4. Customize your Template and select what to include.

  • From the pop-up dialog box you can choose an Icon and Color for your template.

  • Give your Template a name and add an optional description.

  • Choose which Layer categories from your project you want to extract and include into your template.

    (Tip: By default, the template will include the fields that you have populated for your elements but not the elements themselves. If you want to also include the elements after you select the category to include, click the Include Elements & Data checkbox.)

5. If your category includes elements that have fields linked to other categories, such as Lookups and Related elements, you will be prompted to include those or exclude them from your template.

(Tip: Selecting to Include in Template will require the connection to be set up when the template is applied to a project.)

6. As a last step, you will be able to review your template's contents.

Click Create Template to save your template.

(Tip: You newly saved template will be saved under the Company tab)

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